What’s New in PHP 8.3: A Comprehensive Guide

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PHP 8.3, the latest iteration of the popular server-side scripting language, brings a host of new features, improvements, and deprecations. This release focuses on enhancing performance, increasing developer productivity, and maintaining backward compatibility. Here’s an in-depth look at what’s new in PHP 8.3.

Read-Only Classes and Properties

One of the standout features in PHP 8.3 is the introduction of read-only classes and properties. This addition allows developers to define immutable objects, ensuring that once an object is created, its state cannot be modified. This is particularly useful for creating value objects and data transfer objects (DTOs).

readonly class User {
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
        public string $email
    ) {}

Standalone Null, True, and False Types

PHP 8.3 introduces standalone types for null, true, and false. These types can be used in type declarations, improving the precision and readability of code.

function alwaysReturnsFalse(): false {
    return false;

New json_validate() Function

Validating JSON data is now simpler with the new json_validate() function. This function checks if a string is a valid JSON without decoding it, providing a performance boost and simplifying validation logic.

if (json_validate($jsonString)) {
    echo "Valid JSON";
} else {
    echo "Invalid JSON";

Improved Performance

PHP 8.3 includes several performance enhancements, particularly in JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation. These improvements result in faster execution times for many PHP applications, making your websites and applications more responsive.

Enhanced Array Unpacking

$array1 = ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2];
$array2 = ['c' => 3, ...$array1];
print_r($array2); // ['c' => 3, 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2]

Array unpacking has been further improved in PHP 8.3. Now, you can use unpacking with string keys, making it more versatile and powerful.

Deprecations and Removals

To keep the language clean and modern, PHP 8.3 deprecates several outdated features. Functions like ereg(), split(), and sql_regcase() have been fully removed. Developers are encouraged to use preg_match() and other modern alternatives.

Enhanced Error Handling

Error handling in PHP 8.3 has been refined. The error_reporting() function now includes new constants to control the reporting of specific types of errors, making it easier to manage and debug code.

Asynchronous Signal Handling

PHP 8.3 introduces asynchronous signal handling, allowing signals to be handled without blocking the execution of your scripts. This is particularly useful for long-running processes and CLI applications.


pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, function() {
    echo "Received SIGHUP signal";


PHP 8.3 is a significant update that brings a wealth of new features and improvements. From read-only properties to enhanced performance and better error handling, this release empowers developers to write more efficient and robust code. As always, keeping up with the latest PHP version ensures your applications remain secure, performant, and aligned with modern development practices.

Upgrade to PHP 8.3 to take advantage of these new capabilities and improve your development workflow.

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