
Python category contains programs written in Python programming language.  This is an archive page that contains the collection of programs written in that language.

About Me: 

I am a web developer with expertise in web development using various web technologies.

I have always been fascinated and enthusiastic about technology ever since my childhood. I always wanted to be familiar with what, why, and how of technologies. Web development has been my only passion ever since I started learning it. Following this passion, I have always been ready to learn new technologies and implement them in my projects.

I do have expertise in coding and have a good understanding of various languages like QBASIC, C/C++, Python, Java, Ruby, etc. along with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, React, and Vue. I also have experience in developing websites and web applications using backend technologies like PHP, Ruby on Rails in combination with the database system MySQL.


Make sure to post the comments for each program if you have any issues. I will respond to it as soon as possible.

Understand Data Types in Python For Sure

Introduction Data types are basically the type of data that can be stored in a variable. There are five standard data types in python described below. Data Types in Detail Numbers: Python numbers data type store numeric values. Python supports integers (whole numbers: int and long), floating-point numbers (numbers with decimals: float), and complex numbers. …

Understand Data Types in Python For Sure Read More »

Variables in Python

Introduction Variables in python are basically reserved memory locations to store some values that are likely to change. While Python is a completely object-oriented language, all variables in Python are objects. Python doesn’t require variables to be explicitly declared, rather declaration occurs when a value is assigned to a variable. The assignment operator (=) is …

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Python, an Emerging Programming Language

About Python Python is an interpreted high-level programming language that is simple and has easy-to-learn syntax. The syntax includes statements that have a straightforward meaning, for instance, the PRINT statement is used to print a line. Two major versions are available, Python 2 & 3. The latter one is the latest version which supports newer …

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