
Python, an Emerging Programming Language

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About Python

Python is an interpreted high-level programming language that is simple and has easy-to-learn syntax. The syntax includes statements that have a straightforward meaning, for instance, the PRINT statement is used to print a line.

Two major versions are available, Python 2 & 3. The latter one is the latest version which supports newer features and also is semantically different from the previous version.

Please note all the programs written in Python on this site will be using Python 3.

The most important thing to consider while writing programs is the use of indentation. It uses indentation for each block of statements and the standard indentation uses four spaces that are either using space key four times or a tab key at once.

Hello World Example

Sample Python Program to display hello world.

print("hello world!")


Hello World Example
Want to learn more on Python? Variables in Python

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