Understanding QBASIC

QBASIC stands for Quick Beginners’ All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. QBASIC is one of the most popular high-level programming languages.

Now let’s have a look at a basic example to understand some of the basic statements used in QBASIC.


CLS is used to clear the output screen.
PRINT is used to display output messages to the screen.
END represents the termination of the program.

Use of comma(,), semicolon(;) and single quote(‘)

QBASIC uses characters like commas, semicolons, and single quotes for various purposes. Comma(,) is used with input and print statements to provide a tab of spaces while a semicolon(;) is used to keep the cursor at the current position. Similarly, a single quote(‘) is used to write comments in QBASIC. These characters will be discussed in other examples too.

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