Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Amazing Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

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It is sometimes very boring and time-consuming to use your mouse for very simple tasks. Windows operating system provides a lot of keyboard shortcuts that can be used to boost the productivity of the task, get the task done quickly, and helps improve efficiency.

Below are the keyboard shortcuts for Windows. The list provides most of the shortcuts in different categories, but since there are many and could be missing some. Please let us know in the comments if any of the shortcuts is missing that you use working with windows.

Function Keys Shortcuts

  • F1: Displays Help dialog window
  • F2: Rename the file/folder
  • F3: Search a file or folder
  • F4: Focus on the address bar in File Explorer
  • F5: Refresh the window
  • F6: Focus and cycle through the items in the taskbar
  • F7: Turn on Caret Browsing
  • F8: Enters windows start menu
  • F9: Refreshes document in MS Word
  • F10: Activates the menu bar
  • F11: Activate full screen mode in browser
  • F12: Prints the file in the active window

ALT Keys Shortcuts

  • ALT + F4: Close or exit the current active application.
  • ALT + TAB: Cycle throught the currently opened applications.
  • ALT + SPACEBAR: Open the shortcut menu box for the active window.
  • ALT + LEFT ARROW: Navigates back in the active window
  • ALT + RIGHT ARROW: Navigates forward in the active window
  • ALT + PAGE UP: Move the cursor up one screen
  • ALT + PAGE DOWN: Move the cursor down one screen

CTRL Keys Shortcuts

  • CTRL + A: Select all items
  • CTRL + C: Copy the selected item
  • CTRL + X: Cut the selected item
  • CTRL + V: Paste the copied or cut item
  • CTRL + D: Delete and move the selected item to the recycle bin
  • CTRL + R: Refresh the active window
  • CTRL + Y: Redo any action
  • CTRL + Z: Undo any action
  • CTRL + plus key(+): Zoom in
  • CTRL + minus key(-): Zoom out
  • CTRL + mouse scroll wheel: Zoom in/out the items in a window or change the size of desktop icons
  • CTRL + LEFT ARROW: Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
  • CTRL + RIGHT ARROW: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
  • CTRL + DOWN ARROW: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
  • CTRL + UP ARROW: Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph

SHIFT Keys Shortcuts

  • SHIFT + ARROW: Select or deselect one or more items in a window or text within a document
  • SHIFT + DELETE: Delete the selected item(s) permanently without moving to the Recycle Bin.

MIX Keys Shortcuts

  • CTRL + ALT + TAB: Use the arrow keys to switch between all opened applications
  • CTRL + SHIFT + ARROW: Select a block of text in a document

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